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If I'm too scared to go home, how is she the victim of harassment? Aug-Sept 2016

Writer's picture: The TruthThe Truth

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

I walked into the protection conference of August 2016 with R and D, and a mountain of documentary evidence. I had so much paperwork I brought it all in my home schooling wheeled trolley.

The allegations were the usual standard, textbook generalisations (kids are neglected, mum has mental health, drug and alcohol use), and while I was used to these malicious 'anonymous' concerns, the boys were new to all this, and it shocked them. D was angry, really angry. Who the hell were these people, saying his mum was on drugs or neglecting him and his brothers? D was turning 15 this month and he was actually getting sick of the tight hold I kept on him. He was also sick of living away from home. They all were.

I thought this conference would be the chance to expose everything going on.

Conference. First mention of Laura Crutchley

But that's not what happened.

It was the same chair as the year before, Vaughan Armstrong, and he stopped the conference as soon as it started.

I was asked to go into another room with him, and the unknown social worker who was there.

Vaughan asked what had happened since the previous conference, and I explained that the disability team had refused to assess the boys needs, and I was refusing to keep being dragged through child protection assessments while these vultures desperately try to find fault with me. I felt I'd more than proved myself over the years, and we'd never ever received any support. 'Single assessments' as they were now calling the section 47 assessment, does not, and never will, lead to any support, its a risk assessment, nothing more.

I urged him to read the report I'd provided. (See previous blog)

Vaughan refused to continue the protection conference, as social care had failed to assess the children's needs.

However, after hearing what had been happening to us, he urged me to work with a social worker, Laura Crutchley. He reassured me that Laura would only be involved to help us, and that with all the issues going on, surely I'd want some help.

He'd got me there. I conceded that I was too scared to be at home, and that me and the boys were honestly sick of travelling. Could Laura help with rehousing us?

It's something she can look into, but only if I engage and complete the single assessment.

I was backed into a corner, so very reluctantly, I agreed to meet Laura and complete the assessment. On the basis she would help us.

We left the conference, and collected the other boys. The 'concerns' raised in the conference, by 'an unnamed source', was enough to tell me we couldn't go home, if we weren't there she couldn't start making up concerns.

We had to move.

Being summer, finding cheap accommodation was impossible. We slept on friends floors, squashed in anywhere gratefully while I searched for cheap hotels.


Travelodge came into its own from this point onwards. Different Travelodge hotels around the country have different night rates, so I started searching for anywhere that was cheap enough, and drove however long it took to get there, sometimes arriving in the middle of the night. We just needed somewhere to stay, while I worked out what we could do.


I decided after all the time we'd spent in Peckham at my best mates, that I'd try to move down near her. I knew it was a long shot, social housing in London is extremely rare and I wasn't from the area, but I didn't know what else to do.

Aug 20 - Travelodge Wakefield M1s

Hotel booking

Aug 22 - Travelodge London Walthamstow

Hotel booking

I started taking out payday loans just to pay for hotels.

Pay day loan

Aug 23 - London Stratford

Hotel booking

I had to go back to Hull by the 25th, as I had been summonsed to Hull Magistrates Court on charges of harassment.

Once again, I attended court with all my evidence, and linked up with the duty solicitor.

Which was a complete waste of time, nobody wanted to hear or see the truth, both solicitors just decided my fate. I was led into Court, and stood in the Dock, surrounded by plastic screening. Seemed a bit excessive for some Facebook rants and a middle finger. When the solicitors spoke, referring to each other as 'my learn-ed friend', I wanted to gag. It was so dramatic, this Truman Show drama was cringeworthy. They explained to the judge that they had reached an agreement to place a restraining order on me. The judge glared at me, but I really couldn't be arsed with him. He didn't scare me, this was a farce, a complete perversion of justice. This wigged idiot trying to intimidate me didn't deserve any respect. All this, over Facebook posts that this stalking neighbour deliberately searched out, just to take offence to, and report me.

I wanted to get back to the boys, so I just stayed silent.

And when I was discharged from the dock, I was now under court order not to say or infer anything bad against my next door neighbours online or in public. So they were now free to do whatever they wanted to us, and I couldn't expose them without risking jail.

The evil bitch had won. She'd harassed us out of our paradise, using the police and courts. She'd stalked, harassed and goaded me for 2 years, and now she'd finally done it. I didn't want to be anywhere near Hull. Humberside police were obviously corrupt as fuck. Just like that Met copper John who'd pulled me over on the North Circular said.

All the Lane's had to do now, was make up anything I'd said or done, and I was getting arrested. The wording was ridiculous and open to any interpretation.

Aug 25 -

Restraining order

In between finding cheap hotels, we were squashing into my mates spare room in Peckham together. Once the kids go back to school in September, caravans would be cheaper, so I started searching those as well.

Aug 26 - Travelodge Bury

Hotel booking

Aug 28 - Travelodge London Exel

Hotel booking

Aug 29 - Travelodge Crystal Palace

Hotel booking


I found a cheap holiday midweek the first week in September, and a cheap Travelodge for the Sunday night, and set off again. Living like this was killing me, but I didn't know what else to do. All I knew was I needed to get as far away from Jackie Lane as I could. This woman was dangerously obsessed and now after 2 years of constant malicious allegations to every authority possible, she had the power to get me arrested at will. And SHE, was accusing ME, of harassment!?

Sept 4 - Travelodge Stansted

Hotel booking

Sept 5-Sept 9 - Dymchurch 6 berth 2 bed caravan

Caravan booking

We snuck home over the weekend, to wash our clothes and repack, spend time with R and the pets, and for the boys to see their friends. I felt like a fugitive, 'most wanted', I was terrified of being arrested again for something I hadn't done.

Sept 12-Sept 16 - Seawick 10 berth 4 bedroom caravan

Caravan booking

The boys loved Seawick, and I tried to keep up with our learning while we were away, but it was getting impossible.

B and K with their owl lanterns

After weeks of travelling around, the boys were getting fed up. But I couldn't take any risks of being at home, so off we went again.

Sept 20 - Travelodge Newark

Hotel booking

Despite being away with the boys all the time, the anonymous reports continued. This time the 'unnamed source' claimed I was leaving D and R home alone, bear in mind R is now 19 and D 15, and that they had been seen drinking and smoking outside the property.

After speaking to me about this concern, Laura Crutchley agreed that it sounded implausible and malicious. Why would either boy want to be filmed by the neighbour opposite on CCTV behaving antisocially, it just didn't make any sense.

This woman just wouldn't leave us alone.

Just like when D turned 15 in August, we were away when B turned 14 in September. My boys were now missing birthday celebrations, but the woman raising all these bullshit concerns, obviously didn't care about my kids. This was a targeted set up.


Sept 24 - Travelodge London Heathrow

Hotel booking

Sept 25 - Travelodge London docklands

Hotel booking

Sept 28 - Travelodge Heathrow M4

Hotel booking

And then, just as I'd predicted from the day I was fitted up in court, Humberside police announced to social services that they were arresting me, for breaching their manufactured restraining order. Just over 1 month after engineering the court order, they were now going to pervert justice once again, over posts on my personal Facebook that the Lane's were both blocked from seeing.

I was being stalked by Mrs Lane using fake profiles to access my Facebook posts, purely to make everything I say about herself, and claiming she feels alarmed harassed and distressed!!! She was deliberately searching out her own harassment and crying to the police colleagues of her husband!! And lying about being named!!

The set up was now at a dangerous stage for me, they were trying to jail me, because they couldn't get any of their bullshit accusations to stick.

I was now 'on the run'.

Arrest intention


Hotel and caravan costs for Aug-Sept 2016...



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