Take care of yourself
If you are seriously affected by anything in my blog, then I urge you to seek help. The best help I've always found, is people who understand. Find your tribe. Be cautious, but understand you are not alone. There are many groups on social media that can offer support and insight.
If your mood is particularly low, I urge you to seek medical help. In the UK NHS 111 or in an emergency 999. I will warn you, there is very little professional support for victims of corruption, you may need to build your own support network, but there is NHS help for a number of related conditions connected to your experience, please speak to your health care provider if you are experiencing any of the following; depression, anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, heart issues, sleep issues, there is help for these, please contact your GP surgery.
Below are some links that you may find helpful

Want to learn more about The Truth: about standing up to 'the system'? For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!